By Emily Hilts Lakes transform when the sun goes down. The once-familiar shoreline becomes unrecognizable and water takes on an inhospitable chill, making an after-hours trip a notch more exciting. So, when graduate student Jake …
Month: July 2013
Muckraking Mendota: The Chironomid Connection
by Emily Hilts “There is absolutely nothing graceful about this,: I thought as I swirled my hand through a bucket of mucky sediment. I was trying to filter organisms out of a hunk of sludge from …
Limnology in Action: Long-term Research, Long-term Learning
By Aisha Liebenow Whether you’ve graduated from high school, have a B.A, or spent several years plugging away at a PhD, I hope your education didn’t stop with your degree. Active learning is so important …
CFL in the News
Your trusty blog editor is taking an ill-advised road trip to Portland for a wedding this week, so we apologize for the delay in programming. In the last couple of weeks, though, we’ve seen a …
Muckraking Mendota: The Water/Land Interface
by Emily Hilts So far this summer, I’ve either stayed below the surface of Mendota’s waters or perched on top of the lake in a boat. Which means, of course, that I’ve been missing big …
Fish Fry Day – Bluegill (x3)
Happy Fish Fry Day! Here in Wisconsin, we’re putting cod, perch, and walleye on the menu and, here at the blog, we’ve got fun facts about native fish. Today’s special: bluegill, three ways. Bluegill aren’t …
Notes from the Northwoods: Happy Fourth from the North!
by Aisha Liebenow My usual Fourth of July consists of a parade, fireworks, and everything red, white, and blue. This Fourth may not have been much different, but this time my family and I had …
Muckraking Mendota: A Forest of “Weeds”
In Muckraking Mendota: A Naturalist’s Investigations, UW-Madison undergraduate, Emily Hilts, plunges beneath the surface of the Yahara chain of lakes to answer questions about Madison’s aquatic ecosystem. Follow her to uncover your own connection to …
Limnology in Action: Big Adventure on Small Lakes
by Aisha Liebenow It’s not every day that you get to say you went on an adventure; unless your name is Samantha Oliver or Andy Muench. Sam is a PhD student in the Center for …
Study Suggests Some Fishing Regulations Aren’t in Line with Fishing Reality
A new study by Center for Limnology researchers says that, when it comes to managing our sport fisheries, some regulations aren’t in line with the reality of fishing trips. CFL post-doctoral researcher, Jereme Gaeta, is …