MADISON – In many parts of the Northern Hemisphere, frozen lakes define the winter experience and create an indelible sense of place. From ice fishing and hockey to skating, skiing and snowmobiling, icy lakes enable …
Month: January 2019
Guest Post: Pet Fish or Alien Invader?
If you aren’t following our friends at The Fisheries Blog, you should be. They post all kinds of fascinating science on the fishes of the world – like this recent post from our former post …
In The News: Federal shutdown threatens environmental research, resource management up and down Mississippi River
As the government shutdown drags on with no end in sight, we’d planned to write about how it’s impacting the freshwater sciences as researchers are sidelined at the National Science Foundation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife …
Can Water Look Cold?
Right now, Lake Mendota is mostly frozen over – its only open water way out in the middle of the lake where winds are keeping the surface too riled up to freeze. But, yesterday morning …
When Will Our Lakes Freeze? The Answer Is Blowin’ In The Wind
EDITOR’S NOTE, DECEMBER 12, 2022: This article originally ran January 4, 2019. Here in December 2022, Lake Mendota is NOT yet frozen, but with some very cold days in the 10-day forecast, it seemed like …