FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Madison, Wis. When it comes to water temperatures, fish can be a lot like Goldilocks. Some water bodies are too warm, others too cold, and a handful are “just right” – …
Tiny Trout? Study Finds Several Freshwater Species Bucking One Climate Change Trend
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: (MADISON, WI) by Adam Hinterthuer When it comes to predictions of how climate change will impact fish populations, a new study has found that several species are ‘swimming upstream’. “One widely expected …
The High Cost of Hydropower: Study Records Big Impacts from Brazil’s Belo Monte “Mega Dam”
The Belo Monte Dam, located in the Amazon Rainforest on Brazil’s Xingu River, is one of the largest hydroelectric facilities in the world. It is also likely the most studied, thanks to an ambitious research …
Resistance is (Sometimes) Futile: Study Says That, In Many Lakes, It’s Time to Accept Change and Plan for the Future of Fishing
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – by Adam Hinterthuer As lakes across the upper Midwest warm, cool-water species of fish are finding it harder to thrive. In Wisconsin, that trend is especially noticeable in struggling walleye populations. …
Nearly half of countries’ shared fish stocks are on the move due to climate change, prompting dispute concerns
Climate change will force 45 per cent of the fish stocks that cross through two or more exclusive economic zones to shift significantly from their historical habitats and migration paths by 2100, a challenge that …
Is Bigger Better? Study Confirms Larger Fish Are Tops in Estuary Food Webs
In the ecological sciences it is generally accepted that, the bigger an organism, the higher its position or “trophic level” in the food web. There are, of course, obvious exceptions – wolves and lions are …
Is Tiny Find in Lake Mendota a Silver Lining for a Declining Species?
Earlier this summer, Alice Ogden-Nussbaum was checking on a gill net she had set a day earlier in Lake Mendota’s deepest waters. As she rolled the curtain of net up out of the lake, a …
New Study: Precautionary Catch Limits on Forage Fish Unlikely to Benefit Predators
The following was released by the Science Center for Marine Fisheries — A newly released study finds that, for many predator species, extra-precautionary management of forage fish is unlikely to bring additional benefits. How to …
Video: Past, Present and Future of Key Piece of the Great Lakes Food Web
by Moira Harrington, Wisconsin Sea Grant In a new video released today, Wisconsin Sea Grant illuminates the varied coregonines, a sudfamily of fish commonly known as cisco, which have pulsed through Great Lakes waters for …
The Life Aquatic: Holly Embke’s Summers are Full of Lakes, Fish and Science
by Cassie Gauthier – When many people think of a scientist, they think of someone in a white lab coat spending every second of their day trying to discover the next big breakthrough and that …