A new study by Center for Limnology researchers says that, when it comes to managing our sport fisheries, some regulations aren’t in line with the reality of fishing trips. CFL post-doctoral researcher, Jereme Gaeta, is …
Fish Fry Day: Channel Catfish
This week’s Fish Fry Day – our series of posts featuring fish of Wisconsin – is taking a Southern twist! While catfish is a common menu item down south, it’s uncommon to find the tasty …
Muckraking Mendota: Breaking the Surface Barrier
by Emily Hilts While walking along the lakeshore to my first day of work, I spotted a smallmouth bass hanging out in the rocky shallows of Lake Mendota. After watching for a minute, it finally …
Fish Fry Day: Black Crappie
Once again, the batter is coming out in the kitchens of restaurants across Wisconsin and folks are preparing to cap off another work week with the time-honored ritual of eating fried fish – happy Fish …
Fish Fry Day: Smallmouth Bass Begging for Food
Happy Fish Fry Day! The day when Wisconsin puts fried fish on the menu and we put fun fish on the blog. Earlier this week, I was up north at Trout Lake Station with our …
Road Block: Study Maps Stream Barriers in Great Lakes Basin
Over the last several years, state agencies and environmental non-profit organizations have targeted dam removal as a way to quickly improve the health of aquatic ecosystems. Dams keep migratory fish from swimming upriver to spawn, …
Fish Fry Day: Jumpin’ Muskies
Well, we’ve once again made it to the day when fried fish dominates Wisconsin menus, which means it’s Fish Fry Day on the blog! Every spring, fish all over the world feel the warming waters …
Fish Fry Day: Longnose Gar
It’s that time of week again. Time for fried fishes of all sorts to pop up on Wisconsin menus and time for us here at the blog to feature a new fish for “Fish Fry …
Limnology in Thailand: Netting Samples (and Dinner) on the Chao Phraya River
While a lot of what we do at the Center for Limnology is all about Wisconsin waters, we’ve got some world-class research going on all over the world, from places like Tanzania and Thailland. Aaron …
Restore It And They Will…Spawn?
Last spring, we featured UW grad student, Dan Oele’s work on northern pike in Green Bay. Dan was trying to answer the question, “Do pike return to the waters where they first emerged from eggs …