by Meredith Smalley Here at Trout Lake Station, the bog walk is a revered and cherished opportunity. Any chance to tromp around in our boots is a welcome break from the bogged-down schedule of daily routine. …
Notes from the Northwoods
Summer of Outreach Starts with Front-Row Seats to Mining Debate
by Meredith Smalley Hello there! I’m Meredith Smalley, and I’ll spend this summer writing about my experience working as the summer outreach intern and living at the University of Wisconsin-Trout Lake Station in Boulder Junction, …
A Final Farewell to the Northwoods
by Aisha Liebenow Once I heard that I was going to be working for the CFL up north this summer, all I kept hearing about Trout Lake Station was what a great place it is …
Notes from the Northwoods: The Trout Lake Experience
by Aisha Liebenow This last week was one heck of a week for Trout Lake Station. On Monday, we had our curtain removal at Little Rock Lake, reuniting the two halves of the lake and …
Notes from the Northwoods: Blueberries and a side of “Survivalism”
By Aisha Liebenow The Restless Weasels made their way to Trout Lake Station on Tuesday, a great ol’ group of stand-up men. They are retired but, as they put it, “we are restless, and we …
Limnology in Action: Long-term Research, Long-term Learning
By Aisha Liebenow Whether you’ve graduated from high school, have a B.A, or spent several years plugging away at a PhD, I hope your education didn’t stop with your degree. Active learning is so important …
Notes from the Northwoods: Happy Fourth from the North!
by Aisha Liebenow My usual Fourth of July consists of a parade, fireworks, and everything red, white, and blue. This Fourth may not have been much different, but this time my family and I had …
Limnology in Action: Big Adventure on Small Lakes
by Aisha Liebenow It’s not every day that you get to say you went on an adventure; unless your name is Samantha Oliver or Andy Muench. Sam is a PhD student in the Center for …
Notes from the Northwoods: A Bog Walk and Youthful Exuberance
by Aisha Liebenow “You love what you know.” This is how Susie Hoffman, Director of the Center for Conservation Leadership (CCL), described the interest that the Lake County high school students showed during Trout Lake …
Limnology in Action: Numb Feet and a Bucket Full of Rusties
The weather keeps alternating between chilly and warm as Lindsey Sargent, a graduate student from the University of Notre Dame, steers our small boat out into Star Lake in northern Wisconsin’s Vilas County. We’re on …