In case you missed the news the last couple of days, around 400,000 residents of the city of Toledo, Ohio were advised to completely avoid the city’s drinking water thanks to a bloom of a …
Maggie Turnbull Brings Search for Habitable Planets to “Science on Tap”
A typical work day for Maggie Turnbull might involve watching the birds in her backyard, heading out for a long cross-country ski, or working at the farmer’s market she helped found in Antigo, the small …
“Weird” Ice The Norm for Madison Lakes
Following up on our posts of Lake Mendota freezing while Monona flirted with open water, Ted Bier, the Long-Term Ecological Research team’s senior research specialist, sent in this photo. It shows Ted a few winters …
CSI: Lake Monona Edition – Open Water in Negative Temps?
Over here at the CFL, all the talk has been about the ice covering Lake Mendota. That’s all well and good, but it’s diverted attention from something happening on the other side of the isthmus …
Introducing “Science on Tap”
The University of Wisconsin’s Trout Lake Station and Kemp Natural Resources Station are announcing a new monthly event called “Science on Tap” at the Minocqua Brewing Company. For several decades, both research stations have studied …
The Summer of ’59: Chasing White Bass Across Mendota
The pier is in. The ice is off. Fish migrations are already underway. And that means that the “open water” field season at the Center for Limnology is about to begin. Before I start filling …