by Jenny Seifert Why is phosphorus in the lakes a long-term problem, why do we care and how could we fix it? The UW-Madison’s Water Sustainability and Climate Project (WSC) and Center for Limnology will …
Fish Fry Day Embarks on “Fishes of Wisconsin” Poster Challenge
It’s Fish Fry Day – the day when Wisconsin puts fish on the menu and we serve up a fish o’ the day on our blog. But today, we’re launching an epic challenge – a …
Monitor Mendota: Water Clarity, Daphnia on the Rebound
Last week on this blog, we wondered if Lake Mendota’s clear water phase was a thing of the past. You see, last year, the algae-eating native zooplankton, daphnia pulicaria were so diminished by predation from the …
Fish Fry Day Redux: Sneaking and Spawning
We’re swamped here at the CFL, so apologies for the slow posting. Today, though, we’ve dug up a classic post on one of the aquatic rites of spring – the crazy sex life of bluegill. …
Field Samples: The Art (and Science) of Wrangling ‘Big Data’
Field Samples is a weekly Q&A asking researchers what they’ve been up to and what they’ve learned. Today, information manager/data scientist extraordinaire, Corinna Gries, talks the brave new world of “big data.” Who are you, where are you …
Fish Fry Day: How Do Fish Live Under the Ice?
While we’ve been spared (so far) by any sort of climate shenanigans like a polar vortex this winter, our lakes have had a nice thick cover of ice on for a month or more. And …
Citizen Scientists Provide Clarity for Big Questions
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: A massive new study of water clarity trends in Midwestern lakes is sure to make some waves in scientific circles. The study involved nearly a quarter of a million observations in 3,251 …
Live from the Lakes! CFL Featured on the WDNR Blog
Folks over at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources have an excellent blog called “Live from the Lakes” featuring a series called “Lake of the Month” and, this month, that lake will be no stranger …
Fish Fry Day: Fish Q? There’s an App for That
Happy Fish Fry Day! Restaurants around Wisconsin are warming up the deep fryers for our weekly feast and we’re putting fish on the menu here at the blog. Today’s special is an all-you-can-eat buffet of …
Video: Going Global with Freshwater Science
“Okay, now we’re going to do a little role playing,” the moderator announced to the room. “We need a customer and a shopkeeper, would anyone like to read a script?” After a little coercion, two …