In The News: Federal shutdown threatens environmental research, resource management up and down Mississippi River

As the government shutdown drags on with no end in sight, we’d planned to write about how it’s impacting the freshwater sciences as researchers are sidelined at the National Science Foundation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife …

“David Buoy” Wraps Up 11th Year Monitoring Lake Mendota

Yesterday we caught a slight break in our string of cold, windy days and researchers here from the UW- Madison Center for Limnology and Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences were able to head out …

Florida’s Red Tide Shows Algae Blooms Aren’t Just a Wisconsin Problem

While we were knee-deep in stories about algae problems in Wisconsin’s lakes this summer, a serious outbreak of blooms has been unfolding in Florida where a massive “red tide” is swirling in the waters off both …

Guest Post: Building a Better Water Quality Measurement Platform

by Meghan Chua With a background in engineering and environmental science, alumnus Paul Schramm had the perfect mix of skills to work on a water quality measurement project that brought new possibilities into the field …

Big River Keeps on Rollin’ – Study Finds Little Nitrate Retention in the Upper Mississippi

A new study says that, despite dozens of locks and dams and backwater habitats that slow it’s flow, the Upper Mississippi River isn’t good at retaining the nitrates that run into its waters from intensively …