Several years ago, Jon Temte, a professor in the UW-Madison Department of Family Medicine, got interested in the variation of flu season from year to year in Wisconsin. He brought an undergraduate student into the …
Month: January 2012
Climate change & variability: where does 2011’s late freeze rank?
We here at the CFL have been eagerly awaiting word so we could anoint the winner of our annual Lake Mendota “Ice On” pool. Well, the state climatology office has made it official – our …
The Curious Case of the American Eel
When most people think of eels, they immediately turn their thoughts to the ocean. Perhaps, even, to the “electrical” variety. But there was a time in this country when eels inhabited nearly every river and …
Animal Planet: Lake Mendota Edition
An interesting scene has been playing out in Lake Mendota lately. Right outside the doors to Hasler Lab, common loons and common mergansers are busy fishing all day long. In January, this is undoubtedly easier …