The second installment of the “Wordless” Wednesday Photo Caption Contest generated a lot of good submissions, but we’re giving the (imaginary) award this week to clever captioner, Denise Karns, whose title “center assistant” doesn’t begin to describe everything she does here at Hasler Lab. Denise wrote in with this gem:
“It would have been easier to get the under-carriage flush done at the car wash.”
The real caption is now attached to the pic above, in case you were wondering what we were up to.*
Congratulations, Denise! To celebrate your achievement, we’re posting a pic you sent in. Now everyone get ready for Take 3, submit your clever caption for the picture below by writing it in the comments section and we’ll announce a winner next Wednesday!
*Editor’s Note: Props go to “Anonymous” for the submission “Who let the Illinois guy drive.” Sadly, Anonymous chimed in right after this went to press! Better luck next time!