Wordless Wednesday – Take 6

Using super glue and fishing line, researchers “leash” a rusty crayfish. The crayfish will then be tied to a pole and left in different types of lake habitat, in order to see where bass predation is heaviest.

Sorry for the hiatus, but we’re back up and running and ready to anoint our next “cleverest captioner!” As you may remember from a couple of weeks ago, we presented you with a picture of, well, a crayfish on a leash. We’re going to give the “best in show” award this week to Alan Barbian for the simple and sweet caption:
“Heel, Rusty, Heel.”
As always, a recap of the real action is now available in the captioned picture to your right.
Alright, shake off your election fatigue, put on your thinking caps and make us laugh by captioning this little gem below!