Slideshow: In The Field with Zoology 315

Photo courtesy of Chris Spoke.
Photo courtesy of Chris Spoke.

The water outside the window here at Hasler Lab is, well, hard. Sailboats are still stored for the winter and our pier is safely tucked away. But tomorrow is the first day of Spring and that got us here at the Center for Limnology thinking about field season, and that seemed as good a reason as any to post this slideshow of an awesome academic opportunity here at the University of Wisconsin.
Zoology 315, or “Limnology – Conservation of Aquatic Resources” has a lab component that gets students out on Wisconsin lakes collecting data for a final project that turns fieldwork into a scientific paper. And, according to student feedback, it’s “by far one of the most interesting and memorable classes offered at the University.” Or, as another student elaborated, “my favorite class I have taken at Madison. The field trips were amazing. I could tell the the faculty and TA’s all actually enjoyed what they were studying and teaching, which made [it] so much more enjoyable.”
It’s true. We do enjoy our work here at the CFL. Click on any picture below for a slideshow and help keep the dream alive for warmer weather, open water and another fantastic field experience for Zoology 315

Thanks to Samantha Oliver, CFL grad student and TA of Zoology 315 lab for help with text and photos.