Art Hasler discovered how salmon find their way home from the sea. He modernized limnology and firmly established the University of Wisconsin as a leading center of freshwater sciences. He served in Germany at the conclusion of World War II. He, in short, had a remarkable life.
And his son, Fritz, has the pictures to prove it.

On Friday, September 14th, the Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, welcomes Arthur Davis “Fritz” Hasler to campus to talk about the accomplished life of his father.
The talk with be at 6:00pm at the UW-Madison Memorial Library, room 126, 728 State Street, Madison.
From his vast archive of family photos, Fritz will share an astonishing collection of photos that chronicle Art’s life and career – from a picture of his dad in his Eagle Scout uniform, to field work on the Great Lakes, Art studying salmon in the lab and touring Germany as part of the U.S.’s strategic bombing survey, Fritz’s talk is an entertaining remembrance of both a time gone by and a very storied career.
Hope to see you there!