Happy Day of the Badger! UW-Madison is spending 1848 minutes commemorating the date it was founded and there has never been a better time to support the Center for Limnology. Here’s why you should click here to give!
1. Your Gift Counts Twice! 
Thanks to some generous anonymous donors, the first $7,500 we raise will be matched dollar for dollar. Whether you’ve got 5 bucks to give or 500, your donation gets doubled!
2. We Need 100 Donations to Trigger a Bonus Gift
We are celebrating the 100 year anniversary of Trout Lake Station this year, with an ambitious goal to get 100 donations during Day of the Badger. And, if we hit that goal, another generous supporter has pledged to kick in $1,500! Help us get to 100 – no gift is too small.
3. Your Support Gives Undergrads Invaluable First-Hand Experiences
Donations from folks like you help fund our summer internships that get undergraduate students into the lab and out on our lakes to receive first-hand training in limnology. You gifts help us cultivate the next generation of freshwater scientists and communicators.
4. Do It for the Kids!
Individual support also helps the Center for Limnology keep its promises to share what we are learning with the wider world through our outreach events and annual open houses. We’ve lost track of the number of school kids who have explored the question “What is the Color of Water,” or spent time on the ice with us learning about winter limnology, but it’s a lot! And, with your help we can keep our outreach efforts running.
5. Our Lakes Need to Feel the Love
Freshwater ecosystems are some of the most important – and most threatened – places on the planet. Protecting them will require policymakers and resource managers and community members to all have the most up-to-date understanding about how our waters are changing and how to conserve them. With your help, we promise to keep pursuing that mission!
Give at the link below and THANK YOU for your support!