Necessity, of course, is the mother of invention. And scientific fieldwork is often the mother of necessity. Researchers are constantly having to invent new ways to collect data in challenging environments. What follows is a …
Carbon cycle
Storing Carbon and Slowing Floods in Your Own Backyard
(FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE) MADISON – For many ecologists, fieldwork involves majestic mountains or rushing rivers or large tracts of wilderness. At the very least, it means exploring natural areas that aren’t defined by human development. …
Christmas Post Redux: Letter Home Explains Carbon Cycle via Christmas Ornaments
Happy Holidays from the CFL! Last year, graduate student, Julia Hart, was so ready to head home and see family that she wrote this great primer in advance to tell her Mom what, exactly, she …
Up In the Air: Understanding Lake Mendota’s Climate Contributions
On a hot, windy morning in late June, Ankur Desai and other members of his lab took their first steps to bridging a big gap in data between the aquatic and atmospheric sciences, as they …