Blog Redux: Time-Lapse Video: Latest Spring Thaw in 32 Years at Trout Lake

May 24, 2017 – As we struggle through a particularly cold and dreary May, it’s important to remember the little things – like the fact that, at about this time 4 years ago, Trout Lake was barely a week removed from being covered in ice! Enjoy this time-lapse video courtesy of Tim Meinke! [Originally published May 29, 2013]
Ever see a scientific chart or graph and wonder what all of those multicolored dots and lines look like in real life? Well you’ve come to the right place! Below is a time-lapse video showing the 2013 spring thaw, or “ice-off” on Trout Lake in northern Wisconsin’s Vilas County. This video captures the latest ice-off in 32 years and marks the previous years’ melts for reference. Big thanks to Tim Meinke for this unique visual take on our historical records!

Trout Ice Off 2013 from Center for Limnology on Vimeo.