CFL Seeks Director for Trout Lake Station

A student prepares to set a fyke net. Trout Lake, sunset.

The Center for Limnology (CFL), UW-Madison invites applications for a Director whose responsibility would be to direct Trout Lake Station (TLS).
We seek an outstanding scientist with a track record of publication and extramural funding and an internationally-recognized research program in any area of freshwater science, including but not exclusive to limnology, aquatic ecology, fisheries, stream ecology, aquatic biogeochemistry, or global change biology. We also seek a candidate with administrative leadership who can build community partnerships, and shape and implement a compelling vision for the future of the station.
Trout Lake Station (TLS)is a year-round field station situated on 72 acres of mixed forest on the shores of Trout Lake near Boulder Junction, Vilas County, in Wisconsin’s northern highlands lake district. It provides access to a diversity of aquatic systems, with more than 2,500 lakes within 50 km. Facilities include a 10,000 sq. ft. laboratory with meeting rooms, library, computing facilities, storage, research boats and sampling equipment, and 10 cabins capable of housing 48. The director is expected to be based at the station year round and resides off station. The station is part of the Center for Limnology at UW–Madison and offers diverse collaborative opportunities (, including involvement with the North Temperate Lakes Long Term Ecological Research (NTL LTER) program .
Duties and Responsibilities:
Research activities 40%

The candidate will serve as Principal Investigator (PI) and is expected to build an externally-funded research program in the aquatic sciences based at the station. The candidate will be expected to publish peer-review publications, supervise research staff, engage in professional activities, and interact with students, postdocs, and faculty colleagues at UW-Madison and beyond.
Oversight of TLS 35%
The candidate will oversee TLS activities and expenditures, including deployment of TLS resources, construction and maintenance of buildings, supervision of employees and students, and creation of a positive and inclusive environment at TLS. The candidate will also be expected to promote use of TLS by a broad base of faculty and institutions, and provide leadership in new initiatives aimed at expanding the research, teaching, and outreach mission of TLS and UW-Madison.

Science on Tap Minocqua
Science on Tap Minocqua

Community outreach and engagement 25%
The candidate will interact with the public on science-related matters, host events at TLS, build community partnerships, and engage with resource professionals, the media, local communities, lake users and civic leaders. The candidate will also be expected to build and maintain connections with UW alumni, donors, and supporters.

  • PhD required. Preferably in limnology, aquatic sciences or related discipline.
  • Minimum of 5 years of experience in a research setting.
  • Strong record of research, peer-review publication, and extramural research funding.
  • Experience or potential for excellence in administration and program building.
  • Experience with outreach, community engagement, and communicating with diverse audiences.
  • Leadership in fostering a collaborative environment, and commitment to equity and diversity.

Your application must be received through Jobs at UW portal to be considered as a candidate. Please click on the “Apply Now” button to begin the application process.

Trout Lake cabin in the fall
Trout Lake cabin in the fall

To apply for this position you must submit ONE document in pdf (preferred) or word format that contains the following information:

  1. Cover letter (your cover letter should address your qualifications as they pertain to the minimum number of years and type of relevant work experience listed).
  2. Complete CV
  3. Contact information for three references (References will not be contacted without advanced notice)
  4. Research statement (approximately 1000 words)
  5. Vision statement for TLS, including a statement on diversity (approximately 500 words.)

Review of applications will begin October 12, 2017, with a target start date in 2018.
Further questions can be directed at Professor Jake Vander Zanden at
The CFL values diversity and is an equal opportunity/Affirmative Action employer