by Riley Steinbrenner
Despite early-morning drizzles and a steady wind throughout the day, this summer’s Trout Lake Station Open House was a big success! Nearly 200 visitors from all corners of the Northwoods – Boulder Junction, Sayner, Minocqua (and even nearby campgrounds) joined us for a day of free Babcock ice cream, arts and crafts, pontoon research excursions and, of course, science! With stations manned by TLS staff and student researchers, guests were able to learn about the small mammals who forage in local forests, what it means when a tree is bendy, how to build a battery from bog water, what that giant buoy on Trout does, how to pinpoint zooplankton under the scope, why aquatic hitchhikers must be stopped and how to identify fish and aquatic plants. Thank you to everyone who made it out to Trout Lake Station this year! We look forward to seeing you next summer!
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