FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 2/26/24 – Walleye are one of the most sought-after species in freshwater sport fishing, a delicacy on Midwestern menus and a critically important part of the culture of many Indigenous communities. They …
Month: February 2024
Letter to the Editor: No, Madison’s Lakes Aren’t “Dead.”
The following is the Center for Limnology’s response (published Sunday, February 18) to a disheartening letter to the editor of the Wisconsin State Journal that proclaimed our lakes “dead” and declared it was time to …
Researchers Identify Five “Phases of Recovery” for a Nutrient Polluted Lake
by Adam Hinterthuer – When it comes to easing a lake’s water quality woes, there’s no such thing as a quick fix. Lakes and reservoirs across the U.S. suffer from problems like excessive algal growth …