Like Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day, bacteria species in a Wisconsin lake are in a kind of endless loop that they can’t seem to shake. Except in this case, it’s more like Groundhog …
lake ecology
Letter to the Editor: No, Madison’s Lakes Aren’t “Dead.”
The following is the Center for Limnology’s response (published Sunday, February 18) to a disheartening letter to the editor of the Wisconsin State Journal that proclaimed our lakes “dead” and declared it was time to …
Tiny Invertebrates and The Great Aquatic Migration
by Christina Weatherford When looking at the lakes near Boulder Junction, Wisconsin, you might appreciate how scenic they are, or how many trophy fish they contain. However, UW Center for Limnology scientists at Trout Lake …
Learn Your Lakes: Midges, Not Mosquitoes or Mayflies, Give Us Spring’s First Swarms
(A version of this post first appeared on the blog on May 18, 2017) As we wrote last week, our waters are warming here in Wisconsin (and, in fact, all across the Northern Hemisphere) and …
Assessing How Long Chemicals Linger in Lakes
Our summer science communication intern is at it again – this time looking at a project tracking how long chemicals we use to keep lakes weed-free lingers in the environment. Enjoy!