Over the last few decades, change has defined our environment in the United States. Agriculture intensified. Urban areas sprawled. The climate warmed. Intense rainstorms became more common. But, says a new study, while those kinds …
nutrient pollution
Field Samples: How Humans Are Changing What’s in Our Water
Field Samples is a Q&A with presenters at our weekly Wednesday seminar. Today CFL grad student, Samantha Oliver, will talk about how humans changes to the landscape have drastically altered nutrient flows into lakes. Who …
“Farm Tech Days” Exhibit Will Focus on Phosphorus Problems and Solutions
by Jenny Seifert Why is phosphorus in the lakes a long-term problem, why do we care and how could we fix it? The UW-Madison’s Water Sustainability and Climate Project (WSC) and Center for Limnology will …
Humanity Crosses 4 of 9 ‘Planetary Boundaries,’ Q&A with Steve Carpenter
The journal Science published an article online today that says civilization has crossed four of nine “planetary boundaries” due to human activity. According to an international team of 18 researchers, climate change, the loss of biosphere integrity, land-system change, …