Florida’s Red Tide Shows Algae Blooms Aren’t Just a Wisconsin Problem

While we were knee-deep in stories about algae problems in Wisconsin’s lakes this summer, a serious outbreak of blooms has been unfolding in Florida where a massive “red tide” is swirling in the waters off both …

Field Samples: How Humans Are Changing What’s in Our Water

Field Samples is a Q&A with presenters at our weekly Wednesday seminar. Today CFL grad student, Samantha Oliver, will talk about how humans changes to the landscape have drastically altered nutrient flows into lakes.  Who …

“Farm Tech Days” Exhibit Will Focus on Phosphorus Problems and Solutions

by Jenny Seifert Why is phosphorus in the lakes a long-term problem, why do we care and how could we fix it? The UW-Madison’s Water Sustainability and Climate Project (WSC) and Center for Limnology will …

A Look at Our Lakes on Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! Wisconsin, of course, is where it all began, thanks to former U.S. senator Gaylord Nelson’s vision. As we here at the blog mulled over an appropriate topic for an Earth Day post, …