Happy Fish Fry Day! Battered, fried deliciousness will on Wisconsin menus this evening, so consider this an appetizer. Before you tuck in to a plate of bluegill, perch, walleye or (if you must) cod, here …
Month: January 2014
CSI Limnology: Team-Building Crucial for “Team Science”
by Samantha Oliver Around the world, more and more scientists are working together to answer some of our biggest biological and ecological questions. Science is often seen as a private enterprise carried out in an …
Ice is Nice: Three Perks to the Polar Vortex
We get it. It is cold. Face (and mind) numbingly cold. But that’s not an “all bad” thing. There’s a lot to like about a real winter. And it begins with ice. Here are three …
Scenarios: Using Science Fiction to Think About the Future
by Jenny Seifert Change is constant and inevitable—in jobs, in relationships, in business, and in nature. It can make us feel downright powerless to realize that nothing is certain. So why even bother trying to …
Study IDs 10-year Water Level Cycle in Great Lakes, Says Current Lows Buck Trend
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact Carl Watras, 715-356-9494, cjwatras@facstaff.wisc.edu BOULDER JUNCTION, WI – For at least the last seventy years, lakes and aquifers in northern Wisconsin have followed the same pattern – after higher than average …
Fish Fry Day: Sifting Through Seagull “Deposits” for Fish Facts
We apologize for the unsavory nature of this post on the day we celebrate Wisconsin’s fabulous fried fish culinary tradition, but we promise to leave out the gory details! After a summer spent in the …
Fish Forced into “Hunger Games” When Lakes Lose Trees
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: In attempts to predict what climate change will mean for life in lakes, scientists have mainly focused on two things: the temperature of the water and the amount of oxygen dissolved in …
Fish Fry Day Video: Tigerfish Snatches Swallow Out of Mid-Air
Here’s a new wrinkle to the aquatic food web – the first documented record of fish preying on birds in flight. Meet the African tigerfish and one unlucky barn swallow. We discovered the amazing film …
Yahara Pride Tackles Runoff at Its Source
The latest issue of Madison’s Capital Times has an excellent cover story exploring a new effort to reduce the amount of phosphorus that ends up in Madison lakes. As the article points out – each …
Happy New Year! Lots in Store for 2014…
We hope you had an excellent holiday season surrounded by friends, family and good cheer. We’ve got lots planned for 2014 here on the Center for Limnology blog, including a new series of videos called …