Learn Your Lakes! Introducing a Mobile Scavenger Hunt for Our LTER Study Sites

We get it – ice fishing (or even ice boating) isn’t for everyone. If this current polar vortex has you staying warm indoors, have we got a cool new thing for you! Now you can visit (and learn about) our lakes year-round from the comfort of your own smartphone screen. (And, once spring arrives, you can get your hands wet IRL!)

That’s because we’re created, not one, but two mobile scavenger hunts featuring the 11 lakes that make up our Long-Term Ecological Research program. We might be biased, but we think you’re bound to learn something through our new limnological scavenger hunt powered by Actionbound.

Inspired by long-term ecological research and equipped with interactive trivia, two different tracks – one in northern Wisconsin and the other down south will take players’ love of lakes to a whole new level. Join the fun by following the instructions below. 


1. Download the FREE Actionbound app on your mobile iOS or Android device. Look for the logo below. 

2. Agree to the terms and conditions and select “Get started”.

3. Decide if you want to play the Northern or Southern version of the hunt, and find your track by either scanning the below QR codes OR clicking the below links OR just searching for limnology via “find bound.”

Northern Lakes: 



Southern Lakes: 


  • Wait for the content to download to your device and begin! 
Bucky ponders Lake Mendota and now you can too, with our new mobile scavenger hunt. 

Still have more questions? Check out some of our FAQs below or head to the Actionbound help page to learn more. 

Q: How can I participate in-person?

A: Once you select a site, you will be provided with coordinates. Simply place them into your GPS and follow the directional arrow in the app to explore!


Q: How can I participate virtually?

A:Once you select a site, you will be provided with coordinates. Simply hit skip and move on to the next phase without penalty. On questions that involve in-person participation, there will be an alternate virtual activity. 


Q: Can I complete both bounds?

A: Yes! You can play both tracks as many times as you’d like. 


Q: Will my answers be shared with the public?

A: That’s up to you. At the end of your adventure, we’ll ask you to select whether or not you’re comfortable with us using your answers to promote the hunt. 


Q: Where can I share my feedback?

A: Once you finish your bound, there will be a form to provide comments and star ratings. Additionally, feel free to share your experience on social media with us by tagging @wisclimnology or using our #wisconsinlimnology hashtag!