Can Manipulating “Mini Worlds” Give Native Fish a Boost?

by Cassie Gauthier – Each individual lake is like its own “mini world.” They all are unique in their shape, size, water depth, water temperature, and plant and animal composition. Often, the current conditions of …

Notes from the Northwoods: Heavy Lifting on Sparkling Lake

by AnnaKay Kruger “Well, that was an adventure!” says Aaron O’Connell, a UW-Plateville undergraduate, looking down at his bare feet as he steps gingerly across the gravel driveway. In one hand he carries his sodden …

Slideshow: Sparkling Lake Rebounds from Invasion

A recent study authored by our former postdoc and PhD student, Gretchen Hansen, reports that an intensive invasive-species trapping experiment had paid off for Sparkling Lake in northern Wisconsin. Not only did our researchers put …