The following is an excerpt from an excellent article on Madison-based science writer, Erik Ness’ website ‘The Lemonadist.’ The full article is available here. 3/12/24 – by Erik Ness “I think about Ice Nine on …
Hilary Dugan
Study: Not Even the Largest Lakes in the World Are Immune to Salt
Tourist towns along the Lake Michigan shoreline love to proclaim the giant body of water “Unsalted and Shark-Free.” The slogan is plastered on t-shirts, magnets and bumper stickers but, according to a study published December …
Seeping Salt: Study Finds “Slow and Steady” Salinization of North American Lakes
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Many North American lakes are getting saltier, thanks primarily to the road salt used to keep winter roads free of ice and snow. While this salt can keep precipitation from freezing …
Video: Why We’re Spending Another Winter Snowplowing a Bog
This year marks the second season for our ambitious winter limnology experiment up in Vilas County. In case you missed our initial post about why in the world someone would spend all winter plowing a …
Annual PSA: To Keep Our Freshwater Fresh, We Must Be Smart About Winter Salt
Winter in the colder climes of North America means a lot of things – frozen lakes, white blankets of snow and, far too often, the crunch of salt crystals underfoot. While we use salt to …
Reddit Competes to Visualize Madison’s Prized Lake Mendota Ice Data
by Eric Hamilton, University Communications – For 166 years, observers from the University of Wisconsin–Madison and the Wisconsin State Climatology Office have recorded a central aspect of life in the city — the dates when …
Want to Reduce Road Salt Impacts on Ecosystems and Infrastructure? Just Add Water.
The above picture shows CFL assistant professor Hilary Dugan and a giant pile of rock salt. It is so much salt. How much? Well, this particular pile belongs to the Jefferson County Highway Department and …
North America’s Freshwater Lakes are Getting Saltier
by Kelly Tyrrell, UW-Madison Communications FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – MADISON, WI – Road salt is making North America’s freshwater lakes saltier, according to a new study published today [April 10, 2017] in the Proceedings of …
Study Finds Ancient Aquifer Under Antarctic Lake
Despite existing in the extreme cold desert of Antarctica’s McMurdo Dry Valleys, there is liquid water beneath the permanently frozen surface of one of the valley’s largest lakes. A new study published in Geophysical Research Letters …
Field Samples: Exploring Antarctic Lakes
Welcome to our new recurring blog feature – Field Samples. We’ve got so much cool research going on at the Center for Limnology, that it’s hard to keep track. So, each week, we’ll do a …