Trout Lake Station summer science communication intern, Maddie Gamble, spent time with the station’s pelagic food web crew. She put together this photo essay about their work. All words and pictures: Maddie Gamble (NOTE: All …
Joe Mrnak
Socially Distant Science: How COVID Complicated Summer 2020 Research
This article first appeared in our 2020 Annual Newsletter. Earlier this summer, Ted Bier was out on Lake Monona with the Madison skyline bobbing in the background collecting samples for the North Temperate Lakes (NTL) …
Can Manipulating “Mini Worlds” Give Native Fish a Boost?
by Cassie Gauthier – Each individual lake is like its own “mini world.” They all are unique in their shape, size, water depth, water temperature, and plant and animal composition. Often, the current conditions of …