Smallmouth Bass: One Hazard of Fieldwork in Wisconsin Lakes

Center for Limnology grad student, Gretchen Hansen, took this video from a past summer’s field season up in Vilas County. While we’ll honor the tradition of fishermen not sharing their favorite spots, it’s safe to …

Freshwater Futures – LTER Short Film Series

Check out this new trailer for a series of short films chronicling the research being done as part of the National Science Foundation’s Long-Term Ecological Research program (LTER). You may recognize some shots of Center …

Ice Off, Dock In

Yesterday afternoon, eight brave souls decided to abandon their desks and help CFL facility manager, Dave Harring, put the Hasler Lab dock out into Lake Mendota. It was an unusual sight for March 20th to …

And….We Have Ice-Off

While it wasn’t a record-setting early date for Lake Mendota to return to its more, um, liquid state this year, the official March 10th “ice-off” date is right in line with the long term trend …