Ah, it’s mid-April in Wisconsin and, right on cue, snow popped back up in the forecast and temperatures this week are going to struggle to get above freezing. Spring, it seems, is on hold for …
fish migration
Video: Searching for Spring’s Spawning Suckers
Happy Fish Fry Day! Just like many Wisconsin restaurants, we’ve got fish on the menu today. The special? Suckers with a side of steelhead. Watch as CFL graduate student, John Rodstrom, and post-doc, Allison Moody, …
Fish Fry Day: American Eel Caught in the Act (of Migration!)
Happy Fish Fry Day! We promise to get back to our “Fishes of Wisconsin” challenge soon, but breaking news has forced it’s way into our news cycle – for the first time ever, scientists have …
Fish Fry Day: Getting “Biggest Bang for Your Buck” in Conservation
by Kelly April Tyrrell A few years ago, researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Limnology created the first map of all the road crossings and dams blocking the tributary rivers that feed the …
Fish Fry Day: Fish on the Move
Solomon David spoke at the CFL last week about the November migrations of the Great Lakes populations of whitefish. We started thinking about ways to spread the message that keeping fish “on the move” is …
Video: (Migratory) Fish Fry Day – Spawning Suckers
Tomorrow is World Fish Migration Day! We’ll help host activity stations at Chicago’s Shedd Aquarium, site of just one of 270 events around the globe celebrating the day. Below is an amazing underwater video taken …
Fish Fry Day Video: Walleye on the Run
While our post doctoral researcher, Solomon David, prefers more primitive fishes, like the northern pike he was recently catching, tagging and studying during their annual spring migration run, he also stumbled across (okay, waded into) …
CFL in Scotland: School Visit Focuses on Fish Migration
by Stephanie Januchowski-Hartley “What kind of fish might migrate up rivers in your region?” I asked Junior School students at Erskine Stewart’s Melville (ESMS) in Edinburgh, United Kingdom. “Salmon”, said one. “Trout”, offered another. “Yes, …
Fish Fry Day: Whitefish Runs Return to Wisconsin Rivers
Last week, an excellent article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel covered some great news – lake whitefish are migrating inland to spawn and, in many cases, fish were running up into tributaries where they hadn’t …
“Making Merit” in the Mekong Delta
Not everyone at the CFL is braving subzero temperatures this winter. Faculty member, Pete McIntyre, is currently working in balmier weather, conducting fieldwork with grad student, Aaron Koning in Thailand, They are looking at fish …