Happy Fish Fry Day! Just like many Wisconsin restaurants, we’ve got fish on the menu today. The special? Suckers with a side of steelhead. Watch as CFL graduate student, John Rodstrom, and post-doc, Allison Moody, …
Fish Fry Day: Shad, Like Ships, Use Locks to Get Upstream
Happy Fish Fry Day, when, like any good Wisconsin restaurant, we put fish on the menu. Today’s post is shared with permission from The Nature Conservancy‘s “Cool Green Science” blog. Thanks, TNC! New Research Makes …
Field Samples: Restoring the Flow for Great Lakes’ Migratory Fishes
Field Samples is a weekly Q&A asking researchers what they’ve been up to and what they’ve learned. Today, post doctoral researcher, Allison Moody, talks dams, road culverts and getting migratory fish moving again. Who are you, where …
Fish Fry Day Video: The Salmon Cannon
If you go around the Twitter-verse hashtagging things like #salmoncannon (thanks @USFWSColeman!), chances are we’re going to notice here at the blog. So, without further ado, a mesmerizing video of the latest in safe, yet …