Yesterday, the folks over at The Meat Eater blog posted an awesome article about the link between fish size and habitat featuring CFL alum, Jereme Gaeta. We thought readers of this blog would also be …
Year: 2020
Water We Talking About? Jellyfish in Wisconsin?
Once again, we’ve made it to another Friday! And that means it’s time for Water We Talking About? Kids have questions and we track down a scientist with an answer. Today Lukas asks about a …
Learn Your Lakes: Spring Runoff and Nutrient Loading
This weekend, my family and I went on a drive. These days, any chance to leave the house while still practicing safe social distancing feels like a blessing and this drive felt especially so. There …
Water We Talking About? A Pennsylvania Pond Infested with “Fleas”
We realize we’ve all lost track of time as we continue to flatten the COVID-19 curve but, trust us, it’s Friday. And that means it’s time for Water We Talking About? Kids have questions and …
Learn Your Lakes: Midges, Not Mosquitoes or Mayflies, Give Us Spring’s First Swarms
(A version of this post first appeared on the blog on May 18, 2017) As we wrote last week, our waters are warming here in Wisconsin (and, in fact, all across the Northern Hemisphere) and …
Water We Talking About? Why Water Can Look Like Root Beer
The idea is simple – kids have questions and we have scientists with answers. We’re all stuck working and studying from home, so (home)school is now in session! The Question: Sometimes the lake water looks …
Learn Your Lakes: Fish on the Move
Ah, it’s mid-April in Wisconsin and, right on cue, snow popped back up in the forecast and temperatures this week are going to struggle to get above freezing. Spring, it seems, is on hold for …
Water We Talking About? Toothy Fish and a Mussel Mystery.
The entire world is now a virtual classroom, so we launched this series as a way to help adults entertain their new kid co-workers! The idea is simple – kids have questions, we find the …
Learn Your Lakes: Spring Turnover
Here in Wisconsin, like a lot of places, we are waiting for the reliably warm days of Spring. In the meantime, we’re seeing a lot of days with persistent, chilly winds. Stowing the winter gear …
Water We Talking About? Giant Water Bugs And Worms That are Flat!
We suddenly live in a world where virtual learning is all the rage. So we decided to launch a new series for our blog as a way to help adults entertain the kids they now …